The Rules of Henginess

The Clonehenge Rules of Henginess (with apologies to Meg Frost)

From time to time people suggest or send us pictures of modern stone circles and other constructions we choose not to use. We realise this may puzzle people who think we sometimes throw any old thing up there just to have a blog post. Not so! We have rules which we sorta kinda almost follow when choosing topics. Here they are for as much as they’re worth.

1. If it looks a whole lot like Stonehenge (lintels  are a key aspect in that evaluation!), it’s probably hengy enough.

2. If it is intended to be a Stonehenge replica, it’s probably hengy enough.

3. If the public and media call it a Stonehenge replica, it’s probably hengy enough.*

4. If it was built in the process of trying out or demonstrating methods of stone moving theorised to be those used to build Stonehenge, it is hengy enough.

5. If it performs the function of a solar calendar in an elaborate manner much as Stonehenge did, it may be hengy enough.

6. If it is a true henge, that is, if it is a construction surrounded by a ditch and a bank, it may be hengy enough. (Very rare, people! Get to it.)

7. Regardless of the others, if it is modern and listed on enough Stonehenge replica lists, we will probably list it whether it’s hengy enough or not.

*A note. For one construction we wished to list because it has been called a Stonehenge replica by many people (including students at a certain college), we made the mistake of asking those who represent the artist who designed it for a photo permission. Permission to even mention it on this blog was denied us in perpetuity because, they said, creating a Stonehenge replica was not part of the artist’s intent. Therefore, one  piece of art that you may expect to see here can never appear. (We won’t tell you what state it’s in, but it rhymes with Malifornia . . .)

Anyway, we reserve the right to ignore our own rules, to create new ones, or to delete this list and return to dictating all decisions according to our errant whims. So there.


3 responses to “The Rules of Henginess

  1. Hi there! Love this site. I have a pic for you of a replica Seahenge I came across walking along the beach of lake Okanagan, British Columbia (I should mention that this lake has a famous lake monster, the Ogopgo)
    It must have been made during Halloween as I found it it the day after.
    And I was walking with a real life Druid at the time!

  2. Thank you, Juniper, for the kind words and the pic. We will have to confer and decide whether or not it is hengy enough to post. The fact that we have only two others lined up to post would seem to work in your favor. If you have any other info or stories about when you found it, let us know! Happy Lammas!

  3. Pingback: Clonehenge Discovered « Stonehenge Collectibles

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