Ancient Sites and Alcohol

silburybitterphoto by Pete Glastonbury, with permission

Clearly when we posted the Wells Bombardier advertisement, we touched a nerve–or maybe it’s just that many of our readers are also enthusiastic drinkers. At any rate, there are enough beverages connected with Stonehenge and at least one other ancient site to warrant a short list. Not surprising as the building of many ancient sites probably involved alcohol ingestion, as does the building of many of the replicas we list.

Additions to this list are welcome. Leave them in a comment, preferably with a link, and we’ll move them into the post. Thank you!

Hop  Henge India Pale Ale, Oregon, U.S.

Wells Bombardier

Stonehenge Ales

Silbury Golden Organic Bitter, pictured above

and, of course, a simpler way to honour Stonehenge with drink:

ChampagneHenge, made for us by a reader

Now we have the beverage list for our Stonehenge-themed party!


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